Simple Rating System

Standard license allows installation/deployment on a single domain only for personal or commercial use. The purchaser does not reserve the right to resale or redistribute the product. Please select this license if you intend to use the product on a single domain.


Multiple license allows installation/deployment on multiple domains for personal/commercial use. The purchaser does not reserve the right to resale or redistribute the product. Please select this license if you intend to use the product on multiple domains.


Get peace of mind with the purchase of this product by adding extended support. The seller is offering extended support, which includes installation of the product on your domain, extended troubleshooting and help with third party assets.

+ $10
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Simple rating System offers easy integration of the rating icons, thumbs up, thumbs down etc on any of your web pages. Our quick easy to install guide lets you have it quickly on your web pages. The script is backed by PHP and MySQL for storing IP address and number of votes to prevent multiple voting. The voting/un-voting is registered dynamically so no page refreshing or reloading is required.

The script uses powerful mo.js for animation of the icons. The icons can be changed to any required shape, size and color and come with numerous animated styles upon clicking the icons.

The script supports all major PC as well as mobile browsers. The sizes of icons, icon shape, animation style are customizable. It uses font-awesome fonts, which supports hundreds of shapes that can be displayed.

Not yet reviewed.
15 days Money back guarantee policy
Buy with 100% satisfaction. The author is offering 15 days money-back guarantee for this product. If you are having any issues with the product, you can ask for a full refund from the seller within 15 days of the purchase.
Created 31 May 2020
Updated 15 Jun 2020
Category PHP Script
Version 1.0
Frameworks PHP
Rating Not yet rated
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